Audio Messages

Apostle Brown concludes the dynamic teachings ..

on the Progression of our Salvation


Apostle Brown continues with the dynamic teaching.. 

concerning the progression of our salvation.


Apostle Everett delivers a dynamic message..

concerning Abraham's call and just how important he was.


Apostle Brown is sharing a message concerning..

"our salvation being progressive".


Pastor Hugh King of Agape Worship Center focuses on the inheritance God has for all believers.


Pastor King gives insight on how the spirit of mammon works in our life and it's destructive tendencies.

He also shares how to overcome that spirit and live righteously in obedience unto God.


Apostle Leon Brown talks about the importance of leaving ..

"Babylon" out of your lives.


Pastor Billy Veasy speaks on our preparation for battle..

with the enemy and the importance of training our young people to be warriors.


Pastor Hugh King speaks to us about the importance of having a Godly view

of those around us (especially our brothers and sisters in Christ) and the world.